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Warning !

The work you're about to see is unfinished, lacks details and uses terms from Final Fantasy XIV and mmorpg in general, if you are not a player nor someone intereted in both theme you might not understand everything.

I'll try my best fix these problem in near future

Where did i started ?

My first idea that got me into this was an envy of a range DPS that has to go in melee

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My first step into this project was to figure what were the Ranged DPS about and what tools they had at their disposal to do their jobs. Then i looked at the theme and weapon the current ranged DPS jobs used.

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Bard - Music, Bow

Machinist - Technology, pistol

Dancer - Dance, throwing Weapon

Then i decided what weapon and identity my jobs should have and what would be the main focus.

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Next was the theme and the story of the job, i decide to go for, Freedom and Redemption

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After that i had to decide how the job should be played and for that i had to design 4 things


-The ressources the jobs uses

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-The status effect the player apply on himself (There's more on the document).

-The Weaponskill and Ability the class uses to fight (This is one of the 3 table you can see more in the documents below)

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From what i saw a Ranged DPS class has around 30 skill to uses

-And finally the rotation of this skill to deal the maximum amount of damage

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If a skill is on the top line it's an ability that can be quick-casted between the two weaponskill under

Full Documentation

Concept Document download via the PDF icon on the right

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